Thursday, August 17, 2006


I must confess that this has been an interesting week chock full of burnt cinnamon toast and smoke detectors and alarm clocks going off at all the wrong times, children perpetuating habits I wish they'd drop and general household frustrations... however it has also seen its share of inspiration, hope and promise (can anyone say "Why are you taking on teaching your son's 1/2 grade Sunday school class?")

While I feel hopeful, I'm also still dealing with trying to be more organized, more back to basics, less consumeristic and more grounded in the now - zen really. To that end, I confess to doing as much knitting as I can muster (usually during my various volunteer meetings or while stuck in traffic). Here's my latest yarn love:

I've been inspired by several Mama Blogs and their regular reports on weekend thrift store/garage sale scores as well as the multitudes of crafty women who are out there in the blogosphere. I must confess however that it doesn't make me want to make hand sewn animal toys or start to sew. It does make me think about scouring the sales for a deal or two on some old furniture pieces and refinishing them for fun or profit?

In the midst of me thinking about new projects to fill my lack of available time, I am trying to stay centered, calm and in control - not caught up in the craziness which is our sensory overloaded society. To that end, I was remembering the calmness which the beach so often brings. Maybe these pics from our recent Oregon Coast vacation will bring some calmness and serenity to you too (I visit often)!

And who could feel anything but good about this sunset over the dune?

For now - good night and Namaste. Posted by Picasa

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