Friday, September 08, 2006

Beautiful day

Day two in the great 1st grade adventure was a beautiful one. Got up in plenty of time to feed the kids, get them dressed and ready to go. We even had time to waste, playing in our front yard, waiting for our carpool to arrive.

The kids took advantage of this treat by having a race, lounging on our car and generally enjoying a wee bit of pre-school freetime (and by that I don't mean preschool freetime)!

With a healthy meal packed in his trusty Laptop Lunchbox, 1st grade man was ready to roll. And that he did, receiving high marks from his teacher who later reported to me he'd had an excellent morning. Yay!

Anyway, back at the ranch... in a short while after the boy's departure, after getting some paperwork done, I loaded up the girl in the Burley trailer and we headed out to none other than the library. We read a few books, checked out a few more and hopped back on the bike heading for brother's school just a few blocks away. We arrived just in time to eat lunch with the boy (and boy's multiple new friends in a cafeteria full of 1st/2nd grade energy). Today's lunchbox offering included turkey/cheese wraps, grapes, popcorn and salad. The boy ate all but the salad while requesting yogurt in a tube, notes from Mom and circular sandwiches in future lunches.

After a filling and fulfilling lunch date, the girl and I walked with the kids back to their class and bid them adieu. Then it was time for the girl and I to head for home. Bless her little heart, she was asleep in no time.

All in all, a lovely day!

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