Anger, Boogers & Boo boo’s, Colds & chaos, Dirty clothes piling up, Edginess, Falls & fights, Grocery store tantrums, “Hate you!”, Ignored, Jealousy & junk food, Kicking, Lost library books, Messes & monsters, Nightmares & NOOOO!, Over tired, Poopy diapers, QUIET!!!, Running away, Spitting & stress, Tears & time outs, Unfinished everything, Volume LOUD, Worn out, eXasperated, Yelling, Zero tolerance
Arts & crafts, Blocks & Legos, Cuddling, Dress up time, Earth mother activities, Fall leaf crunching, Giggles, Hugs & homemade goodies, Ice Cream, Jello Jigglers, Knitting & kid kisses, Loads of loves, Macaroni & cheese, Napping (I wish), Open heart, Plenty of patience & pirate music, Quiet, Reading aloud, Sunshine & sharing, Tag & tea parties, Us all together, Very happy, Water play, eXcited, Yes Mama, Zoo trips & zaniness
Of course any Mama worth her salt knows that every day is some combination of the above and SO MUCH MORE!
I love this post. It is beautiful and funny and TRUE!
ReplyDeleteThis is ever so similar to life with three cats and a dog. Rewarding, exhausting, entertaining. Great post!