Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Formulating a thought

Often as I sit and think about what I might write in this blog space, I realize just how dissparite my mama thoughts are sometimes.

Today I am thankful that for a change that I can actually see and walk across my floors(without much chance of the shooting pain of a Lego to the bottom of my foot).

There are also about a zillion thoughts, as usual, bouncing around in my brain like pin balls setting off lights or falling through cracks into the abyss (the usual suspects are there crowding my cerebellum: carpool options, what to eat/serve, gardening, budgets, pet food, bills and cleaning).

On the other end of the spectrum today, I'm kicking around and deciding upon the best way to host a Pirate Party for the birthday boy and his other 6, 7 and 8 year-old friends.
I think I've got a few good game options but need to figure out the details and pirate goody bags and a cake that the swarthy little ones will greatly enjoy but which won't run my old body into the ground trying to pull off or send me screaming from my own home.

Ahoy mateys (or in the words of my young girl pirate "Ahoy Mary, Ahoy Maybe?!), wish me well.


  1. Well, you could always do a "treasure hunt" - aka scavenger hunt. Edible treasure maps are fun, too, but a little messy. But if you did that, you wouldn't necessarily need a cake...

  2. Anonymous4/04/2007

    I googled "kids pirate birthday party" and came up with lots of fun ideas. I only looked up one on Should get you started.

    What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?


  3. Other than the complete stress and grumpiness before hand (can anyone say have the kids with a babysitter while you run around like crazy big people making cakes, decorating and preparing games?). That's what we should have done. Overall, the party games went over well and the swarthy little pirates enjoyed themselves! Twas a good party with Pirate Island Hopping, A Treasure Hunt and a pirate ship pinata that really didn't want to let go of that candy! :-)
