Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wierd week

It has been a weird week for certain. It is Spring Break here in Oregon and yet there has been snow on some of our beaches and elsewhere (not in Portland - yet).
It has been a wierd week here at our house as well. Normally Dad would be gone half the time but now he's here most of the time. We would normally have at least been going out to do more activities, but are staying closer to home boring the kids with TV and computer games while Dad submits resumes and I work part of the time.
It has been a weird week for me. I think I'm allowing myself to do all the wrong things for myself to get past feeling sorry for ME (cause isn't that who it is all about)? Just kidding - thinking like a kid there for a moment. Staying up late watching silly TV (there was a great bit about being the center of the universe on The New Adventures of Old Christine the other night), eating junk including ice cream, candy, and some BK the other night as a last splurge, not exercising AT ALL, and wine every night so far since last Friday. This too shall pass.
What are you NOT doing this week? What do you wish you were?
I wish I was in Italy (often do) having the vacation of a lifetime with great wines, pastas, cannollis and more.


  1. Anonymous3/28/2008

    Oh, well then at least you can go read my last post! :-)

    Hmmm, it's no fun to be stuck in that not-knowing time, is it? But some of our best times as a couple came when my husband was a rarely employed TV journalist. We spent lots of time taking naps on the sofa.

  2. Anonymous3/30/2008

    Well, I have not been warm, that's for sure! Was very tempted to have a fire in the fireplace, but never got to it.

    I also have not been making lunches! Starting tonite, i have to set aside some time for that most annoying chore!

    As far as hubby's layoff, when that happened to my hubby, it was a time of great change and growth for each of us individually, and together!

  3. Anonymous3/31/2008

    Since Pat is a teacher, our family has that shift every summer. We go from the crazy routine of getting everyone off to school and work to me being the only one up and at 'em in the morning.

    With no morning routine in the summer, I can actually go for a walk by myself and then breakfast uninterrupted by kiddos and (this is the best part) sole possession of the comics page!

    As for where do I wish I were? I'd join you in Italy. I'd also love to be on a beach (sans snow, thank you!)

    What I'm not doing? working. oops! Better get back to it!


  4. Not working on 'THE LIST' of projects I'd like accomplished. Mostly stuff around the house that I'd like to get sorted thru, cleaned out and simplified. Goal is to feel less cluttered by stuff. All I can think about is new walls I'd like to tear down rather than focusing on walls that need to go up first. Sigh... Thinking of you often. Take care. Norma.
