Saturday, July 14, 2012

Down time

Yesterday I delivered the beautiful "Purple Blaze" print and sent the "NH Dragons" from the Fizz (now Cosmic) "Eye Candy" show off to it's (or should I say their?) new home. 

Since the summer months tend to be slow in Etsy world and because it is getting hotter outside, I am using today for some "down" time in the basement shop making things. It is the coolest spot in the house if you don't include the pool outside!

So far today, I have made 2 trips to the craft store as I forgot I was out of glue the first time around. Now that I'm set for supplies, I have tackled my card orders. Mini sets are now completed and ready for delivery next week. I would love to turn up the stereo and make, make, make some more but other duties call.

I have some things that need to get done around my house and the kids are getting antsy to do "something" so I'll likely put off the magnet making for another day or so. 

For anyone considering an order, keep in mind that it is still Christmas in July with 15% off in the shop throughout the month! Use coupon code: CHRISTMASJULY2012 when you check out. 

Over & up (stairs that is).




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