Friday, January 12, 2007

Expect the unexpected

Expect the unexpected.
Such as finding your daughter's bare foot prints and tea set in the snow.
Today we had a snow day,
which included a snowball fight,
trudging around the block making snow angels along the way,
hot mint cocoa, watching Mr. Rogers, sledding,
and playing royal family -
which was all good.

And then as if a snow day wasn't unexpected enough,

the boy started feeling yucky and began to throw up (poor baby).

I remember my mother always used to say:

"It's ALWAYS something."

I always hated that but to tell you the truth... when related to all things parenting, it seems way too true.


  1. Never a dull moment. :)

  2. Bare foot prints? Must we have yet another talk with the child about how she is not a penguin, but, in fact, a little girl? Don't tell your mom. We'll have to get out the smelling salts!

