Thursday, November 01, 2007

OMG... It's November

I can't believe it is NOVEMBER!!! and we are in full holiday mode. Time to get serious about Christmas plans and presents. Hmmm. But one last nod to Halloween:

The best parts of Halloween were a lovely party complete with soup for dinner and hot buttered rum for the big people (thank goodness and thank you Sarah), watching people open their door to the astonishment of about 20 little ghosts, goblins and super heroes, and mostly the "safety bracelet light show" afterward (see above and below).

Now if I can just get the girl to drop the "I'm almost 5-years-old" attitude for a few minutes, we might enjoy the holidays! Happy, happy.


  1. Anonymous11/01/2007

    There was a guy pulling his kids around the neighborhood in a Cushman that had a haywagon attached!

    Fun was had by all! We had a chocolate chip cookie big girl, some character from a Japanese cartoon big boy and a 3 year old Tigger.

    In our town, kids have to tell jokes or riddles to get their candy, so I learned a whole bunch of new ones: Have you seen the new movie, "Constipated"?....It's coming soon.

  2. Constipated...coming soon... hee hee, that's a good one!

    I'm ready for the holidays...bring it on! Of course I can only say that because I have half my shopping all may hate me now! :-)
